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And we’re back… again!

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Can we please have 2011 back? The start to 2012 was a strange one for the...

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Deadmau5 announces Vegas residency

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Anyone who was in Vegas over Halloween and saw the unbelievably wonderful set by Deadmau5 at XS Nightclub can't help but be excited by this news.

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The return of the water parks!

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After a drought of Vegas water parks since Wet'N'Wild closed in 2004 (sorry for the bad pun!), work has finally started on Splash Canyon in the southwest Las Vegas Valley.

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V List – Best Show in Vegas – Absinthe

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Rarely has there been a show that out-Cirque's Cirque, that pushes every boundary it can and that deserves to unreservedly be called "Best Show In Vegas".

Imagine if Bill Hicks, PT Barnum and Nadia Comăneci had an unholy relationship and the children ran away and created a show on the Strip...

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We’re back!

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Welcome to our shiny new site! Whilst you were enjoying the Summer, we were locked away in a room working on our funky new site...

No? Not falling for that? OK, fair enough. In between a LOT of Vegas time this Summer, we worked with some really cool and talented people to update the site.

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When is bedtime in Vegas?

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What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Well, apart from the sleep deprivation. That tends to hit me after I leave. Whilst I have no one to blame but myself, the same is not true for the babies you see out late night on the Strip. So what happened to the concept of bedtime?

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