How we rate hotels

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Those of you who follow us on twitter (if you are not, then click here!) will know that over this Summer we’ve been revisiting over...

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(H)20 Things to do in a wet and stormy Las Vegas

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Even in Summer, it sometimes does rain in Las Vegas (Sshh - that can be our little secret!). However, even when it is raining there are so many things to do in our favourite city that after reading this list your problem will be picking what to do first!

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Caesars backtrack on Resort Fee policy

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In a move that would shock even the nefarious, back-stabbing forums of Roman times, Caesars Entertainment group have not only backtracked on their winning policy of not charging unfair resort fees at all their hotels, but are also claiming the guests made them do it!

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Go Ahead… Annoy Me (part 1)

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I’m a very mellow person. When I’m in Vegas on vacation I’m even more mellow. Throw in an adult drink (or two) in the...

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We’re back!

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Welcome to our shiny new site! Whilst you were enjoying the Summer, we were locked away in a room working on our funky new site...

No? Not falling for that? OK, fair enough. In between a LOT of Vegas time this Summer, we worked with some really cool and talented people to update the site.

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The V list

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Everyone wants to know the secret gems. The best place to stay, the secret special not on the menu, the best place to get a mojito, the absolute must-do and must-see parts of Vegas. Because we aim to please, we've created the V list - a dynamic list of what is currently the best, the coolest, the cheapest and the funkiest. Enjoy!

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