Absinthe: a review
Absinthe was one of those shows that was on our “to do” list all Summer long but kept getting bumped by gigs, by friends in town wanting to visit other shows, and generally by there just being so many ways to spend an evening eating and drinking in Vegas.
Anyway, we’ve got ahead of ourselves. It’s been a while since we’ve written one of these reviews. That’s what happens when you revamp a site and spend loads of time in Vegas “researching” for the new site.

Actually, I may have to change that description. We’ve fell into the habit over the past decade or so of describing shows as “Cirque-like” if they add whimsy or originality or wonder to traditional gymnastic/acrobatic routines. And it’s been over-used as it tends to be used to describe anything where a story is added to traditional “circus-style” routines. In future, I think “Absinthe-like” will be used to describe acts that ooze originality combined with a deep visceral sense of danger, acts that cross boundaries and dare to have an edge, a bite, take risks.
You’ll notice that I’ve steered clear of actually describing much of the show. That’s for a reason. I think the show works well not knowing exactly what is going to happen at every point, being unaware of what will happen next – after the first ten minutes, that unknown and uncertainty will heighten your enjoyment/fear of the show.
Indeed, a massive part of the show is the politically incorrect banter and audience interaction which works on many levels. The Gazillionaire, your host for the evening, and his assistant Penny Pibbets target the politics, religion and race of the audience. In a show named after a banned alcoholic drink that made people mad, it is appropriate that no subject is taboo. Be aware that there are sexual comments. Lots of sexual comments. Lots of hilarious sexual comments. Lots of hilarious sexual comments targeted at the people who desperately want someone else to be picked on. The Gazillionaire can smell fear. He will find your deepest darkest secret.

In actual fact, the whole show seems to be drawn to boundaries and determined to cross as many as possible. Determined to see just how far they can push things before they get told to pull back. Determined to be as different as possible from some of the formulaic, bland shows that we’ve suffered over recent years.
Just see it. Book tickets for 2 consecutive nights. You’ll thank us later.
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